
Thursday 17 October 2013

Layout and design of our blog

We came up with the final design of our blog by using a few steps. Firstly, in order to develop unique ideas we searched for blogs and research websites which were relevant to our central topic, 'Tourism Australia'. Then, we discussed the prospective design and layout of our blog, which we individually searched the internet for the background image, header image and our logo. After that, we combined and shared all the gathered information together and had a final discussion. In the final discussion, we made decisions on the choice of theme, template, background image, header image, logo, gadgets, colors and fonts. We also decided the settings and arrangement of them. During the initial stage of actually placing all the components of our design onto the blog, we were actually not satisfied with the overall layout. Hence, we continued to redevelop and improve our design. Comparing and analysing the design layout and structure of other related blogs enabled our group to finalise the design of 'Tourism Australia'.

The design of 'Tourism Australia' was created with a high focus on simplicity and positivity. We used orange and white as the main colors of our blog. The fonts are in black and the background for the blog posts and gadgets are in white. These particular colours and styles were used for the international tourists and visitors. As Australia is famously known as a country with warm, dry summers and weather conditions, the colour orange was used in the background to represent this concept.The colour white was also used to symbolise unity and Australia's acceptance of multiculturalism, as the colour white is a universal colour found in diverse places. Besides, the colours and styles, we also allowed our readers to comment on each of our individual topics posted on the blog in order to share their thoughts and ideas of Australia and the information we provided. We also put labels and added a search function for them to find their interested part of our blog easily. Our design of the blog is to keep everything simple and user-friendly while providing useful information to readers.

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